First Blog

Aah… the very first blog… What to say…???

Lol.. just kidding, I have heaps to say and as it would be, befitting of a first post, its about something that had me all choked up over the little stars that danced in my heart and the simplicity of what could create such an emotion in me.

In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer.” -Albert Camus

It has been said so many times- Be grateful for what you have… And yet we tend to forget to appreciate what means the most to us. I dont think that anyone does this purposefully (maybe ’cause I have taken things for granted lately and I dont wanna think that I did that purposefully Lol)

We never ever stop to think what life would be like without that which creates that constant summer in our hearts. And quite honestly I dont ever WANT to imagine life without surreptious smile creating love. That alone is heartbreaking in so many ways. And so I wont imagine such a thing. I dont think that would be a good reason to be appreciative… Its really a selfish way of looking at life and that which brings out the uttmost spectucular emotions in our hearts.

I am, however, thankful everyday for a whole other reason!

The reason that I think brings meaning to being grateful… is to appreciate that which is in our life simply ’cause it is in our life… Not ’cause we may one day lose it or ’cause its “the right thing to do”.

That kind of gratitude brings with it so much more… Its like an ocean of this indescribable passionate love mixed with the most heartwarming fuzziness that can potentially take you to the heights of bliss… simply by thinking of all the amazing things you do have in life. Now wouldnt that be awesome to feel instead of being appreciative out of the fear of one day losing something…?

*jamaican accent* Gratitude man! Feel the gratitude…

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